Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Products include
Antibodies arrays
biotin-label-based arrays
ELISA kits(over 500)
glass slide-based arrays
membrane-based arrays
phosphorylation arrays
Protein arrays

Quantibody human cytokine array 4000 can detect 200 different proteins in an experiment.
quantibody human cytokine antibody array 5000
q..human inflammation array1
q. human chemokine array 1
q.human growth factor array 1
human receptor array 1
screening arrays

There are arrays etc to detect Alzheimer's,arthritis,cancer,cardiovascular disease,diabetes,infectious disease,inflammation and obesity genes.

Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: Human growth factors


Search Amazon.com for mass spectrometry
located in milford,massacheusetts
products include
SYNAPT G2 said to be able to identify more proteins than the average mass spectrometry instrument.

Thursday, 13 May 2010


Search Amazon.com for mycoplasma
Products includes
removes mycoplasma from contaminated cell lines

Cayman chemicals

Search Amazon.com for recombinant dnaSearch Amazon.com for recombinant protein
catalogues of products
allergies,asthma and inflammation
epigentics and gene regulation
oxidative injury

products include
analytical services
demethylase assays
enzyme assays
methyltransferase assays
recombinant histones
sirtuins 1-7

Thursday, 6 May 2010


Search Amazon.com for pipette
products include
pipetman m
pipetman p
ergonomic motorized pipette
Search Amazon.com for pipetman
trackman duo-plate pipetting tracker
Search Amazon.com for pipetting

Saturday, 1 May 2010


Products include
Chimermarker software can be used to analysis chimerism in various stem cell transplants and bone marrow transplants in  cells  like b or t cells which may indicate graft cell problems.

Nextgene sequencing software has a rna-seq analysis tool that can sequence gene variants such as amino acids changes etc
works with illumina hiseq, roche flx titanium system etc
Search Amazon.com for gene sequencing


Search Amazon.com for biochrom
products include
biochrom 30+ series of amino acid analyzers
uses ninhydrin to identify free amino acids
pc-operated with software
Search Amazon.com for amino acid analyzers

Search Amazon.com for ninhydrin
biochrom asys uvm 340 monochromator-based plate reader.
absorbance wavelength can be selected between 340 and 800 nms.
Detector spectral response from 350 to 1200 nm using a monochromator based spectral comparator (NBS technical note)

enzo life sciences

Search Amazon.com for assay kits
cellestial probes

fluoforte calcium assay kit

proteostat thermal stability assay,
a screening method based on a dye

Molecular sevices and danaher

Search Amazon.com for flux assays
Search Amazon.com for calcium assays
FLIPR calcium flux assays versions 3-5